3SM 299
(Selected Messages Book 3 299)
Chapter 37—Seventh-day Adventists and Lawsuits VC
Opening Church Difficulties to Unbelievers—When troubles arise in the church we should not go for help to lawyers not of our faith. God does not desire us to open church difficulties before those who do not fear Him. He would not have us depend for help on those who do not obey his requirements. Those who trust in such counselors show that they have not faith in God. By their lack of faith the Lord is greatly dishonored, and their course works great injury to themselves. In appealing to unbelievers to settle difficulties in the church they are biting and devouring one another, to be “consumed one of another” (Galatians 5:15). (3SM 299.1) MC VC
These men cast aside the counsel God has given, and do the very things he has bidden them not to do. They show that they have chosen the world as their judge, and in heaven their names are registered as one with unbelievers. Christ is crucified afresh, and put to open shame. Let these men know that God does not hear their prayers. They insult his holy name, and he will leave them to the buffetings of Satan until they shall see their folly and seek the Lord by confession of their sin. (3SM 299.2) MC VC
Matters connected with the church are to be kept within its own borders. If a Christian is abused, he is to take it patiently; if defrauded, he is not to appeal to courts of justice. Rather let him suffer loss and wrong. (3SM 299.3) MC VC