3SM 53
(Selected Messages Book 3 53)
Case Not Varnished Over—In the last vision given me your case was presented before me From what has been shown me you are a transgressor of the seventh commandment. How then can your mind be in harmony with the precious Word of God, truths which cut you at every turn? If you had been betrayed into this folly unwittingly it would be more excusable, but you have not. You have been warned. You have been reproved and counseled.... (3SM 53.1) MC VC
My soul is stirred within me.... I will not varnish over your case. You are in a fearful state and you need to be entirely transformed.—Letter 52, 1876. (3SM 53.2) MC VC
Not Always a Special Vision—I write this for I dare not withhold it. You are far from doing the will of God, far from Jesus, far from heaven. It is no marvel to me that God has not blessed your labors. You may say, “God has not given Sister White a vision in my case, why, then, does she write as she does?” (3SM 53.3) MC VC
I have seen the cases of others who like you are neglecting their duties. I have seen many things in your case in your past experience. And when I enter a family and see a course pursued that God has reproved and condemned, I am in grief and distress, whether the special sins have been shown me or the sins of another who has neglected similar duties. I know whereof I speak, I feel deeply over the matter. I say, then, for Christ’s sake make haste to come on the right ground, and harness up for the battle.—Letter 52, 1886. (3SM 53.4) MC VC
Testimony Counsel Based on Many Visions—God has given me a testimony of reproof for parents who treat their children as you do your little one.—Letter 1, 1877. (3SM 53.5) MC VC