Ev 686-7
(Evangelism 686-7)
Young Men Called to the Harvest Field—The Lord calls upon young men to enter the harvest field and work diligently as harvest hands. He calls upon them to work for Him, not to labor with the churches already established, but to connect with experienced laborers in work in the great harvest field. Let young men of ability go forth and trade on their talents. As they go, let them trust to the guidance of the Lord.... (Ev 686.1) MC VC
This is the work young men should be encouraged to do, not to speak to an audience which does not need their immature labors, which is well aware of this fact, and feels no drawing of the Spirit. The Lord has not given to young men the work among the churches. Their first duty is to learn lessons in various lines from the great Teacher.... (Ev 686.2) MC VC
What did Christ say to His disciples? “If any man serve Me, let him follow Me.” This is the rule given in the Word of God. By studying the life of Christ, let the workers find out how He lived and worked. Let them strive each day to live the life of Christ, seeking to know the way of the Lord.—Manuscript 75, 1900. (Ev 686.3) MC VC
After Twelve Months’ Trial—To those whom He calls to the work of the ministry, the Lord will give tact and skill and understanding. If after laboring for twelve months in evangelistic work, a man has no fruit to show for his efforts, if the people for whom he has labored are not benefited, if he has not lifted the standard in new places, and no souls are converted by his labors, that man should humble his heart before God, and endeavor to know if he has not mistaken his calling. The wages paid by the conference should be given to those who show fruit for their labor. The work of the one who recognizes God as his efficiency, who has a true conception of the value of souls, whose heart is filled with the love of Christ, will be fruitful.—Manuscript 26, 1905. (Ev 686.4) MC VC
Calls to and Transfers of the Evangelistic Worker VC
Moving On to Unwarned Areas—Often the inhabitants of a city where Christ labored wished Him to stay with them and continue to work among them. But He would tell them that He must go to cities that had not heard the truths that He had to present. After He had given the truth to those in one place, He left them to build upon what He had given them, while He went to another place. His methods of labor are to be followed today by those to whom He has left His work. We are to go from place to place, carrying the message. As soon as the truth has been proclaimed in one place, we are to go to warn others.—Manuscript 71, 1903. (Ev 687.1) MC VC
Move Only When the Cloud Is Lifted—Do not become restless or faithless; keep the armor girded on for battle, strengthen your souls in God, and you can do valiantly. In God is our strength and efficiency.... When the cloud is lifted, and God indicates your duty to open the work in some other field, you can move understandingly. But do not now forsake the field where so much has been done and where there is still more to be done.—Letter 77, 1895. (Ev 687.2) MC VC