Ev 278
(Evangelism 278)
This ceremony is not to be performed listlessly, but earnestly, keeping in view its purpose and object.—Manuscript 8, 1897. (Ev 278.1) MC VC
A Blessed Meeting—This day has been a most precious season of refreshment to my soul. The little company here are organized into a church, and I met with them to celebrate the ordinances. I spoke from John 13, and precious ideas were impressed upon my mind in regard to the ordinance of humility.... There is much in this simple rite that is not seen and appreciated. I was blessed in partaking of the symbols of the broken body and spilled blood of our precious Saviour, who became sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. He was our sin bearer. (Ev 278.2) MC VC
The meeting today was a very solemn occasion for all present. The testimony meeting was excellent. Everyone whose name was called responded willingly. I know that the Lord Jesus was in the midst of us, and all heaven was pleased as we followed the example of Christ. On these occasions the Lord manifests Himself in a special manner to so soften and subdue the soul, to expel selfishness, to imbue with His Holy Spirit, and to bring love and grace and peace into hearts that are contrite. (Ev 278.3) MC VC
As the meeting closed, and we turned to our tents in the woods, a soft, sweet, holy influence pervaded our hearts. My soul was filled with sweet peace.—Manuscript 14, 1895. (Ev 278.4) MC VC