AH 197
(The Adventist Home 197)
Keep Children in a Sunny Atmosphere—The little ones must be carefully soothed when in trouble. Children between babyhood and manhood and womanhood do not generally receive the attention that they should have. Mothers are needed who will so guide their children that they will regard themselves as a part of the family. Let the mother talk with her children regarding their hopes and their perplexities. Let parents remember that their children are to be cared for in preference to strangers. They are to be kept in a sunny atmosphere, under the mother’s guidance. (AH 197.1) MC VC
Help your children to gain victories.... Surround them with an atmosphere of love. Thus you can subdue their stubborn dispositions. (AH 197.2) MC VC
When Children Need Love Rather Than Food—Many mothers shamefully neglect their children that they may gain time to embroider the clothing or to put needless trimming upon the little garments of their children. When the children are tired and really need their care, they are neglected or given something to eat. They not only did not need the food but it was a positive injury to them. What they did need was the mother’s soothing embrace. Every mother should have time to give her children these little endearments which are so essential during infancy and childhood. In this way the mother would bind up the children’s hearts and happiness with her own. She is to them what God is to us. (AH 197.3) MC VC
Reasonable Desires to Be Gratified—You should ever impress upon your children the fact that you love them; that you are laboring for their interest; that their happiness is dear to you; and that you design to do only that which is for their good. You should gratify their little wants whenever you can reasonably do so. (AH 197.4) MC VC