7T 252-3
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 7 252-3)
Gospel ministers are to keep their office free from all things secular or political, employing all their time and talents in lines of Christian effort. (7T 252.1) MC VC
To fasten a minister to one place by giving him the oversight of business matters connected with the work of the church is not conducive to his spirituality. To do this is not in accordance with the Bible plan as outlined in the sixth chapter of Acts. Study this plan, for it is approved of God. Follow the word. (7T 252.2) MC VC
He who holds forth the word of life is not to allow too many burdens to be placed upon him. He must take time to study the word and to examine self. If he closely searches his own heart, and gives himself to the Lord, he will better understand how to grasp the hidden things of God. (7T 252.3) MC VC
Instead of choosing the work most pleasing to us, and refusing to do something that our brethren think we should do, we are to inquire: “Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?” Acts 9:6. Instead of marking out the way that natural inclination prompts us to follow, we are to pray: “Teach me Thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path.” Psalm 27:11. (7T 252.4) MC VC
Financial Details of City Work. VC
Our ministers should learn to let business and financial matters alone. Over and over again I have been instructed that this is not the work of the ministry. They are not to be heavily burdened with the business details even of city work, but are to be in readiness to visit places where an interest in the message has been awakened, and especially to attend our camp meetings. When these meetings are in progress, our workers are not to think that they must remain in the cities to attend to business matters connected with various lines of city work; nor are they to hurry away from the camp meetings in order to do this kind of work. (7T 252.5) MC VC
Those in charge of our conferences should find businessmen to look after the financial details of city work. If such men cannot be found, let facilities be provided for training men to bear these burdens. (7T 253.1) MC VC
Consecrated Financiers . VC
The Scandinavian institutions need not have been in the position in which they are, and they would not be in this position had our brethren in America, years ago, done what they should have done. A man of experience in business lines, with a practical knowledge of bookkeeping, should have been sent to Europe to superintend the keeping of the accounts in our institutions there. And if this work demanded more than one man, more than one should have been sent. Thus thousands and thousands of dollars would have been saved. (7T 253.2) MC VC
Such men should be employed in our work in America, men who are devoted to God, men who know what the principles of heaven are, men who have learned what it means to walk with God. If such men had superintended the financial affairs of our conferences and institutions, there would today be plenty of money in the treasury; and our institutions would now stand as God has declared they should stand, helping the work by self-denial and self-sacrifice. (7T 253.3) MC VC