CD 137
(Counsels on Diet and Foods 137)
223. We should not provide for the Sabbath a more liberal supply or a greater variety of food than for other days. Instead of this, the food should be more simple, and less should be eaten, in order that the mind may be clear and vigorous to comprehend spiritual things. A clogged stomach means a clogged brain. The most precious words may be heard and not appreciated, because the mind is confused by an improper diet. By overeating on the Sabbath, many do more than they think, to unfit themselves for receiving the benefit of its sacred opportunities.—The Ministry of Healing, 307, 1905 (CD 137.1) MC VC
[Drowsiness in Sabbath Services—93]
[Abstemious Diet Imparts Mental and Moral Vigor—85, 117, 206]
[Effects of Overeating on Spirituality—56, 57, 59, 251]
[Effects of Overeating on the Mind—74]
[Overeating at Camp Meeting—57, 124]
[Suicidal Practices—202]
[Desserts a Temptation to Overeating—538, 547, 550]
[A Source of Church Trials—65]
[Gluttony the Prevailing Sin of the Age—35]
[Overeating Leads to Dissipation—244]
[Keeping a Clean Conscience—263]
[Intemperance and Overeating Encouraged by Mothers—351, 354]
(CD 137)
A Cause of Forgetfulness VC
224. The Lord has given me light for you on the subject of temperance in all things. You are intemperate in your eating. Frequently you place in your stomach double the quantity of food your system requires. This food decays; your breath becomes offensive; your catarrhal difficulties are aggravated; your stomach is overworked; and life and energy are called from the brain to work the mill which grinds the material you have placed in your stomach. In this, you have shown little mercy to yourself. (CD 137.2) MC VC