ChS 153
(Christian Service 153)
When young men take up the canvassing work filled with an intense longing to save their fellow men, they will see souls converted. From their work a harvest for the Lord will be reaped. Then let them go forth as missionaries to circulate present truth, praying constantly for increased light and knowledge, that they may know how to speak words in season to those that are weary. They should improve every opportunity for doing a deed of kindness, remembering that thus they are doing errands for the Lord.... In their work they should always take some health books with them; for health reform is the right hand of the message.—The Southern Watchman, January 15, 1903. (ChS 153.1) MC VC
Circulate Without Discrimination VC
There are many places in which the voice of the minister cannot be heard, places which can be reached only by publications,—the books, papers, and tracts that are filled with the Bible truth that the people need. Our literature is to be distributed everywhere. The truth is to be sown beside all waters; for we know not which shall prosper, this or that. In our erring judgment we may think it unwise to give literature to the very ones who would accept the truth most readily. We know not what may be the good results of giving away a leaflet containing present truth.—The Southern Watchman, January 5, 1904. (ChS 153.2) MC VC
Treasure Every Fragment VC
In the miracle of feeding the multitude with a few loaves and fishes, the food was increased as it passed from Christ to those who received it. Thus it will be in the distribution of our literature. God’s truth, as it is passed out, will multiply greatly. And as the disciples, by Christ’s direction, gathered up the fragments, that nothing might be lost, so we should treasure every fragment of literature containing the truth for this time. None can estimate the influence that even a torn page containing the truths of the third angel’s message may have upon the heart of some seeker after truth.—The Southern Watchman, January 5, 1904. (ChS 153.3) MC VC