CM 90, 140-1
(Colporteur Ministry 90, 140-1)
Show Value of Healthful Living—Canvassers should never forget that they are to make earnest efforts to do medical missionary work. The publications treating on health reform are now very much needed by the world. Intemperance is striving for the mastery. Self-indulgence is increasing. In his work the canvasser can do much to show those whom he visits the value of healthful living. Instead of staying at a hotel, he should, if possible, obtain lodging with a private family. As he sits at the meal table with the family, let him practice the instruction given in the health works he is selling. If he has opportunity, let him speak of the value of health reform. If in word and action he is courteous, he will find that his words leave an impression for good.—Manuscript 113, 1901. (CM 90.1) MC VC
Call Attention to Health Literature—Tell the people that you have for sale books which give much valuable instruction regarding sickness and disease and how to avoid them, and that a study of this instruction saves much suffering and saves also much of the money spent in paying doctor’s bills. Tell them that in these books is advice which they cannot possibly obtain from their physician during the short visits he makes.—Manuscript 113, 1901. (CM 90.2) MC VC
“Your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace,”(Ephesians 6:15) you will be prepared to walk from house to house, carrying the truth to the people. Sometimes you will find it very trying to do work of this kind; but if you go forth in faith, the Lord will go before you, and His light will shine upon your pathway. As you enter the homes of your neighbors to sell or to give away our literature, and in humility to teach them the truth, you will be accompanied by the light of heaven. Learn to sing the simplest of songs. These will help you in house-to-house labor, and hearts will be touched by the influence of the Holy Spirit.... We may enjoy the companionship of the heavenly angels. We may not discern their forms, but by faith we may know that they are with us.—The Review and Herald, November 11, 1902. (CM 90.3) MC VC
Tracts and Pamphlets—The canvasser should carry with him tracts, pamphlets, and small books to give to those who cannot buy. In this way the truth can be introduced into many homes.—Testimonies for the Church 6:338 (1900). (CM 140.1) MC VC
More Decided Efforts for Religious Books—Canvassing for our publications is an important and most profitable evangelistic work.... While we have said much in regard to canvassing for the health books,—and we still feel that we should circulate these books,—yet more decided efforts should be made to carry our important religious books to the people. Our publications can go to places where meetings cannot now be held. In such places the faithful evangelistic canvasser takes the place of the living preacher.—Letter 14, 1902. (CM 140.2) MC VC
At this period of our work we must guard every step we take in reference to the publication of our books. I have been plainly shown that we must secure as canvassers men and women of ability. Much of the effort that has been devoted to the sale of medical books should now be given to the handling of books that contain the present truth for this time, that the evidences of our faith and the issues that are before us may be known by the people.... (CM 141.1) MC VC
We are to bring into the work every living agency who feels that he is chosen of God to do, not a common, commercial work, but a work that will give light and truth, Bible truth, to the world.—Letter 72, 1907. (CM 141.2) MC VC
Small Books vs. Large Books—I do not believe it is right to devote so much attention to the sale of the smaller books, to the neglect of the larger ones. It is wrong to leave lying on the shelves the large works that the Lord has revealed should be put into the hands of the people, and to push so vigorously, in the place of these, the sale of small books.—Manuscript 123, 1902. (CM 141.3) MC VC
No Time for the Commonplace—We are now altogether too near the close of this earth’s history to keep before the attention of the people a class of books which do not contain the message which our people need. Draw their attention to books treating on practical faith and godliness. Cleanse and sanctify the camp. There is an abundance of books which will give light to the world. (CM 141.4) MC VC