2SM 350-1
(Selected Messages Book 2 350-1)
Neither one of you should study the science in which you have been interested. To study this science is to pluck the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. God forbids you or any other mortal to learn or to teach such as science. The fact that you have had anything to do with this science, ought alone to be sufficient to show you, Brother N, the inconsistency of your being the leading physician in the sanitarium (2SM 350.1) MC VC
In dealing with the science of mind cure, you have been eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which God has forbidden you to touch. It is now high time for you to begin to look to Jesus, and by beholding His character become changed into the divine likeness. (2SM 350.2) MC VC
Cut away from yourselves everything that savors of hypnotism, the science by which satanic agencies work.—Letter 20, 1902. (2SM 350.3) MC VC
Counsel Regarding the Publishing of Books on Hypnotism VC
[Over a period of years, in an endeavor to profitably utilize the equipment in our publishing houses—acquired for printing the message—a certain amount of commercial work was accepted. There came a time when, among other items, copy of a detrimental character was accepted for publication. Reference to this sad experience is made in Testimonies, Volume 7, pages 164-168, and in the following item dealing with the publication of literature on hypnosis.—Compilers.] (2SM 350) MC VC
Shall its managers consent to be the agents of Satan by publishing books dealing with the subject of hypnotism? Shall this leprosy be introduced into the office? Satan and his agents have been and are working diligently. Will God give His blessing to the publishing houses if they accept the deceptions of the enemy? Shall the institutions which have been kept before the people as holy unto the Lord become schools in which the workers eat the fruit of the forbidden tree of knowledge? Shall we encourage Satan in his stealthy entrance into the citadel of truth to deposit his hellish science, as he did in Eden? Are the men at the heart of the work men who cannot distinguish between truth and error? Are they men who cannot see the terrible consequences of giving influence to wrong? (2SM 350.4) MC VC
If you should gain millions of dollars by work of this kind, of what value is this gain when compared with the terrible loss that is incurred by giving publicity to Satan’s lies, by making it possible for the world to say that books containing errors were published at the Seventh-day Adventist publishing house, to be scattered broadcast to the world? (2SM 351.1) MC VC
Awake, and realize that your presses have published the devil’s lies. Let the men who know the truth act like wise men, placing the whole weight of their influence on the side of truth and righteousness.—Letter 140, 1901 (Addressed to the managers of our publishing houses, October 16, 1901). (2SM 351.2) MC VC
Sciences Pertaining to the Mind VC
In these days when skepticism and infidelity so often appear in a scientific grab, we need to be guarded on every hand. Through this means our great adversary is deceiving thousands, and leading them captive according to his will. The advantage he takes of the sciences, sciences which pertain to the human mind, is tremendous. Here, serpentlike, he imperceptibly creeps in to corrupt the work of God. (2SM 351.3) MC VC
This entering in of Satan through the sciences is well devised. Through the channel of phrenology, psychology, and mesmerism, he comes more directly to the people of this generation, and works with that power which is to characterize his efforts near the close of probation. The minds of thousands have thus been poisoned, and led into infidelity. While it is believed that one human mind so wonderfully affects another, Satan, who is ready to press every advantage, insinuates himself, and works on the right hand and on the left. And while those who are devoted to these sciences laud them to the heavens because of the great and good works which they affirm are wrought by them, they little know what a power for evil they are cherishing; but it is a power which will yet work with all signs and lying wonders—with all deceivableness of unrighteousness. Mark the influence of these sciences, dear reader, for the conflict between Christ and Satan is not yet ended.... (2SM 351.4) MC VC