RC 321.2
(Reflecting Christ 321.2)
It is the nature of sin to spread and increase. Since the first sin of Adam, from generation to generation it has spread like a contagious disease. While the world was yet in its infancy, sin became fearful in its proportions. Hatred of God’s law, and, as the sure result, hatred of all goodness, became universal. God, who had created man and given him with an unsparing hand the bounties of His providence, was dishonored by the beings He had created, slighted and despised by the recipients of His gifts. But though sinful man forgot His benevolent Benefactor, God did not forget the creature He had formed. Not only did He send “rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons,” filling man’s heart with “food and gladness,” Acts 14:17. but He sent him also messages of warning and entreaty. Man’s wickedness was fully set before him, and the result of transgressing the divine law. (RC 321.2) MC VC