PK 213-4
(Prophets and Kings 213-4)
The king of Judah was not permitted to continue his terrible apostasy unreproved. The prophet Elijah had not yet been translated, and he could not remain silent while the kingdom of Judah was pursuing the same course that had brought the northern kingdom to the verge of ruin. The prophet sent to Jehoram of Judah a written communication, in which the wicked king read the awful words: (PK 213.1) MC VC
“Thus saith the Lord God of David thy father, Because thou hast not walked in the ways of Jehoshaphat thy father, nor in the ways of Asa king of Judah, but hast walked in the way of the kings of Israel, and hast made Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to go a whoring, like to the whoredoms of the house of Ahab, and also hast slain thy brethren of thy father’s house, which were better than thyself: behold, with a great plague will the Lord smite thy people, and thy children, and thy wives, and all thy goods: and thou shalt have great sickness.” 2 Chronicles 21:12~15. (PK 213.2) MC VC
In fulfillment of this prophecy “the Lord stirred up against Jehoram the spirit of the Philistines, and of the Arabians, that were near the Ethiopians: and they came up into Judah, and brake into it, and carried away all the substance that was found in the king’s house, and his sons also, and his wives; so that there was never a son left him, save Jehoahaz [Ahaziah, Azariah], the youngest of his sons.” 2 Chronicles 21:12-19. (PK 213.3) MC VC
“And after all this the Lord smote him in his bowels with an incurable disease. And it came to pass, that in process of time, after the end of two years, ... he died of sore diseases.” “And Ahaziah [Jehoahaz] his son reigned in his stead.” 2 Chronicles 21:18, 19; 2 Kings 8:24. (PK 213.4) MC VC
Jehoram the son of Ahab was still reigning in the kingdom of Israel when his nephew, Ahaziah, came to the throne of Judah. Ahaziah ruled only one year, and during this time, influenced by his mother, Athaliah, “his counselor to do wickedly,” “he walked in the way of the house of Ahab, and did evil in the sight of the Lord.” 2 Chronicles 22:3, 4; 2 Kings 8:27. Jezebel, his grandmother, was still living, and he allied himself boldly with Jehoram of Israel, his uncle. (PK 214.1) MC VC
Ahaziah of Judah soon met a tragic end. The surviving members of the house of Ahab were indeed “his counselors after the death of his father to his destruction.” 2 Chronicles 22:3, 4. While Ahaziah was visiting his uncle at Jezreel, the prophet Elisha was divinely directed to send one of the sons of the prophets to Ramoth-gilead to anoint Jehu king of Israel. The combined forces of Judah and Israel were at that time engaged in a military campaign against the Syrians of Ramoth-gilead. Jehoram had been wounded in battle, and had returned to Jezreel, leaving Jehu in charge of the royal armies. (PK 214.2) MC VC
In anointing Jehu, the messenger of Elisha declared, “I have anointed thee king over the people of the Lord, even over Israel.” And then he solemnly charged Jehu with a special commission from heaven. “Thou shalt smite the house of Ahab thy master,” the Lord declared through His messenger, “that I may avenge the blood of My servants the prophets, and the blood of all the servants of the Lord, at the hand of Jezebel. For the whole house of Ahab shall perish.” 2 Kings 9:6-8. (PK 214.3) MC VC