2SM 223-4, 227
(Selected Messages Book 2 223-4, 227)
To Rise Up and Call Them Blessed VC
At half past two o’clock P.M. I spoke to a full house [at Adams Center, N.Y.].... We were gratified to meet the aged servants of God on this occasion. We have been acquainted from the rise of the third angel’s message with Elder [Frederick] Wheeler, who is now nearing eighty years. We have been acquainted with Elders [H. H.] Wilcox and [Chas. O.] Taylor for the last forty years. Age is telling on these old standard-bearers, as well as upon me. If we are faithful to the end the Lord will give us a crown of life that fadeth not away. (2SM 223.1) MC VC
The aged standard-bearers are far from being useless and laid aside. They have a part to act in the work similar to that of John. They can say, “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life; (for the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;) that which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full. This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: but if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:1-7). (2SM 223.2) MC VC
This was the spirit and life of the message that John bore to all in his old age, when he was nearly one hundred years old. The standard-bearers are holding fast their banners. They are not loosening their hands on the banner of truth until they lay off the armor. One by one the old warriors’ voices become silent. Their place is vacant. We see them no more, but they being dead yet speak, for their works do follow them. Let us treat very tenderly the few aged pilgrims remaining, esteeming them highly for their works’ sake. As their powers are becoming worn and enfeebled, what they do say is of value. As precious testimony let their words be treasured. Let not the young men and the new workers discard or in any respect show indifference to the men of hoary hairs, but let them rise up and call them blessed. They should consider that they have themselves entered into these men’s labors. We wish that there was much more of the love of Christ in the hearts of our believers for those who were first in the proclamation of the message.—Manuscript 33, 1890. (2SM 223.3) MC VC
Counsel to Those Who Have Grown Gray in Service VC
A Caution to Elder S. N. Haskell VC
While you are anxious to do all that you possibly can, remember, Elder Haskell, that it is only by the great mercy and grace of God that you have been spared these many years to bear your testimony. Do not take upon yourself loads that others who are younger can carry. (2SM 224.1) MC VC
It is your duty to be careful in your habits of life. You are to be wise in the use of your physical, mental, and spiritual strength. We who have passed through so many and such varied experiences are to do all that it is possible for us to do to preserve our powers, that we may labor for the Lord as long as He permits us to stand in our lot to help to advance His work. (2SM 224.2) MC VC
The cause needs the help of the old hands, the aged workers, who have had many years’ experience in the cause of God; who have seen many going into fanaticism, cherishing the delusion of false theories, and resisting all the efforts made to let the true light shine forth in the darkness to reveal the superstitions that were coming in to confuse judgment, and to make of none effect the message of truth that in these last days must be given in its purity to the remnant people of God. (2SM 224.3) MC VC
The Lord desires His servants who have grown gray in the advocacy of truth to stand faithful and true, bearing their testimony in favor of the law. (2SM 227.1) MC VC
God’s tried servants must not be put in hard places. Those who served their Master when the work went hard, those who endured poverty and remained faithful in the love of the truth when our numbers were small, are ever to be honored and respected. Let those who have come into the truth in later years take heed to these words. God desires all to heed this caution.—Letter 47, 1902. (2SM 227.2) MC VC
Aged Workers to Be Teachers and Counselors VC
God calls upon His aged servants to act as counselors, to teach the young men what to do in cases of emergency. Aged workers are to bear, as did John, a living testimony of real experience. And when these faithful workers are laid away to rest, with the words, “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord” (Revelation 14:13), there should be found in our schools men and women who can take the standard and raise it in new places. (2SM 227.3) MC VC
While the aged standard-bearers are in the field, let those who have been benefited by their labors care for and respect them. Do not load them down with burdens. Appreciate their advice, their words of counsel. Treat them as fathers and mothers who have borne the burden of the work. The workers who have in the past anticipated the needs of the cause do a noble work when, in the place of carrying all the burdens themselves, they lay them upon the shoulders of younger men and women, and educate them as Elijah educated Elisha. (2SM 227.4) MC VC
David offered to God a tribute of gratitude for the divine teaching and guidance he had received. “O God, thou hast taught me from my youth” (Psalm 71:17), he declared. Those who in the history of the message have borne the burden and heat of the day, are to remember that the same Lord who taught them from their youth, inviting them, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me” (Matthew 11:29), and giving them the light of truth, is just as willing to teach young men and women today as He was to teach them. (2SM 227.5) MC VC