2MCP 630.1
(Mind, Character, and Personality Volume 2 630.1)
Magnifying Seeming Difficulties—Many greatly magnify seeming difficulties and then begin to pity themselves and give way to despondency. Such need to make an entire change in themselves. They need to discipline themselves to put forth exertion and to overcome all childish feelings. They should determine that life shall not be spent in working at trifles.... Everyone should have an aim, an object, in life. The loins of the mind should be girded up and the thoughts be trained to keep to the point, as the compass to the pole. The mind should be directed in the right channel, according to well-formed plans. Then every step will be a step in advance.... Success or failure in this life depends much upon the manner in which the thoughts are disciplined.—The Review and Herald, April 6, 1886. (2MCP 630.1) MC VC