EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Wind, Winds   [69]
       before seven last plagues fall EW 36;LS 117;
       before terrible scenes of strife occur 6T 408
       before time of trouble such as never was 5T 152
       decisive time for God’s people follows 5T 152
    pray God to hold 5T 717-8;6T 61;
    preparation men need to make while angels hold EW 58;5T 573;TM 510;
    sealing time is while angels hold EW 38, 58;LS 118-9;ML 308;5T 717-8;6T 14, 408;TM 444-5, 510;
    symbolize: earthquakes, tempests, political strife TM 444-5
       fierce winds of human passion GC 614
       powers of earth 7BC 967-8
       wars of conquest and revolution GC 440
       winds of strife Ed 179-80;Ev 704;
    world conditions while angels hold ML 308
2. Miscellaneous
    blighting, flowers do not unfold under breath of Ed 291
    chilling, in new earth there will be no ML 354
    Christ has absolute control over MH 91;1SM 83;
    contrary , Paul’s arrival at Puteoli delayed by AA 447
       ship taking Paul to Rome encountered AA 440
    east, locusts brought upon Egypt by PP 271