EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

White, Ellen G. (general)   [1399]
    prayed earnestly for help in giving messages of reproof 5T 430
    prayed that she be kept from self-exaltation EW 21;5T 655;
    promised God’s special aid in doing her work 5T 677
    raised up to bear testimony for God in many countries 1SM 54
    refused to: be directed by men in giving Testimonies of reproof LS 177;5T 19-20, 677;
    reproving private sins was disagreeable work for LS 177;1T 73-4, 585;5T 656-7;
    responsibility of, as God’s chosen messenger LS 432
    revelations given by God to, as He gave to no other then living 2T 607-8
    said much that was not premeditated while she spoke to people 5T 20, 678
    scenes of conflict between good and evil were opened to, by illumination of Spirit GC 10-1
    secrets of inner life and hidden sins of God’s people were opened to 3T 314
    sent by God to declare serious errors held by some men in doctrine and practice 5T 655-6
    special message for, man who falsely claimed to have received 1SM 43-4
    Spirit compelled, to reprove sins others did not know existed 3T 314
    Spirit enabled, to do work given her by God 1SM 33
    Spirit frequently came upon 5T 20
    Spirit impressed, to bear messages 5T 62
    Spirit urged, to do her duty LS 69
    surprise of some people at, not claiming to be prophetess 1SM 35-6
    Testimony(s) borne by: are not her opinions 1SM 40;5T 687-8;