EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Visiting church members’ duty re, with friends and neighbors 6T 276    [35]
       with the poor, sick, and suffering 6T 276
    fashionable, made occasion of gluttony 2SM 414
    house-to-house, Christ’s ministry included GW 188
       in 1843-44 2SM 402
       neglected work of 5T 185
       work of WM 87-96
    important part of evangelistic work Ev 656
    in gospel work, effectiveness of WM 97-104
    in welfare work WM 59-65
    ministers who dread task of GW 338
    ministers’ neglect of, with people in their homes GW 338;4T 317, 536-7;
    ministers’ work includes, with people in their homes Ev 431-9;GW 187-8;3T 558-9;4T 317;
    miss. work done by, with neighbors 9T 38
    much, detrimental to camp meeting 2T 597
    object of, not to indulge appetite 2SM 414
    part of home miss. work 9T 41
    pastors should do more, with families Ev 347
    persons assigned to do Ev 471
    publishing house is no place for 3T 191
    social See Social visiting