EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Truth, Truths   [2580]
    most plainly revealed in Bible are involved in doubt and darkness by learned men GC 598-9
    most solemn given to mortals, SDA are to proclaim to world CS 38
    new: caution to persons seeking CW 49
       development of, in every age COL 127
       duty to be willing to accept GC 291-2
       erroneous doctrines will be presented as TM 229
       every, hatred and opposition met by GC 609
       is not independent of the old COL 127
       is unfolding of old truth COL 127
       will unfold continually for the redeemed throughout eternity GC 651
       See also Light (spiritual) (1. New)
    new and convincing, undermine and cut away error with 7T 156
    no, essential to man’s salvation is withheld DA 57
    not imparted loses its healing virtue AA 206;MH 149;8T 47;
    not lived loses its life-giving power AA 206;MH 149;8T 47;
    not practiced avails nothing 5T 345
    of Bible, many flippant talkers of 5T 166
    of God’s word: are shield against Satan’s deceptions GC 465
       need of understanding and evaluating aright the fundamental MM 102-3
       results of neglect of GC 465