EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Trouble, Troubles all over world, soon there will be 9T 228    [76]
    tomorrow’s: do not borrow to make yourself miserable over 2T 641
       must not be brought into today 3T 332
       we are not to burden ourselves with 5T 200
       you embitter your heart by bringing, into today 3T 332
    too often we are like Peter when overtaken by DA 382
    turn to God when in TM 381
    we must meet 3T 327
    we shall see, on all sides MYP 89
    what to do when almost overwhelmed by LS 258
    what to do when in MH 512
    woman in, should take her trouble to women Ev 460
    woman who imagined, which did not exist 3T 335
    woman who made, for herself where there was none 2T 56
    women who deteriorate in proportion to WM 152
    words that cause children to forget their AH 196
    See also Adversity; Affliction; Calamity; Difficulties; Distress; Hardship; Misery; Misfortune; Persecution; Sorrow; Suffering; Trial; Wretchedness