EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Temptation, Temptations   [1074]
1. Classes of
2. Miscellaneous
1. Classes of
    alluring, used by Satan to separate men from God GC 610
    appealing to man’s physical nature have been most effectual in corrupting and degrading mankind DA 122
    attractive parties and amusements instituted by Satan as means of 3T 564
    beset with numberless, men must resist them 8T 313
    borne in God’s strength: purify and humble you 2T 93
       will not destroy or endanger you 2T 93
    brought to bear on God’s people will be stronger and stronger as end draws near 3T 571
    Christ’s See Christ
    constant, invited by association with lovers of pleasure and corrupt society 3T 111
       men cannot individually secure themselves from 1SM 123-4
    countless, God’s people will be beset by 3T 453
    disguised by Satan with semblance of good MYP 83;2T 142;
    earnest and powerful, girl to whom society of boys was 2T 564
    easily overcoming you, stay away from 7T 239
    ever-changing fashions instituted by Satan as means of 3T 564
    fierce, ministry of angels does not ensure God’s people against 2T 509