EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Talent, Talents COL 325-65    [810]
    all gifts and endowments are COL 328
    another man’s, God is dishonored by one man attempting to control 7T 177-8
    best: secure, for gospel work CT 473
       securing of, to work in SDA institutions 2SM 190
       should be united at educational center at Loma Linda, Calif. MM 75
       use, in educating gospel workers CT 473
       warped and enfeebled by wrong habits CG 199;CH 112;4T 574;
    brilliant: avail little without application Ed 232
       cannot command peace of Christ 4T 559
       Christian worth does not depend on Ev 135;SD 347;
       Timothy had no specially AA 205
       wickedly devoted by many to Satan’s service 5T 146
    buried in business instead of being given to God’s service CS 125
    buried in earth, dig up your CS 40
       must be presented to Christ 4T 124
    children’s, should be trained for usefulness 5T 327
    church members’, needed in proclaiming message CH 546
    conferred on their forefathers, workmen who inherited to large degree PK 62
    confidence in God as GW 330-1
    converted, needed in God’s work Ev 554