EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Tabernacles, Feast of DA 447-54;PP 540-2;    [72]
    thousands of animals slain during DA 589
    time of: after harvests were gathered in DA 447;PK 37;PP 540-1;
       after labors of harvest had ended PK 37;PP 540;
       eighth day was added to PP 540
       from fifteenth to twenty-second day of seventh Jewish month PK 37, 665;PP 540;
       lasted seven days DA 448;MH 281;PP 412, 540;
       ripened glory of autumn Ed 42
       Solomon’s temple dedicated at PK 37, 45
       soon after Day of Atonement DA 448;PP 540, 542;
    typified final ingathering of fruits of earth PP 541-2
    week of encampment in leafy booths during DA 291, 448;Ed 42;MH 281-2;PK 665;PP 540;
    welcomed with blasts of silver trumpets DA 448-9