EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Standard (banner) Christ has erected, around which His people must rally 2T 169-70    [21]
    Christ’s bloodstained, be able to distinguish between Satan’s black banner and 4T 200
    Christ’s name has power to lift up, for His people against Satan 4T 357
    each tribe of Israel bore, with sign of their father’s house upon it 1T 651
    each tribe of Israel carried, in march PP 375;4aSG 10-1;SR 157;
    each tribe of Israel encamped beside (under) its respective Ed 38;PP 375;4T 160;
    falling from older men, youth must grasp and bear aloft SD 204
    idolatrous See Idolatrous standard
    of cross, must be carried everywhere 5T 189
    of truth: bear aloft 2T 490
       do not let, trail in dust 2T 490
       is to be planted in many places 1SM 88
       is to be planted upon Satan’s fortresses CM 155
       ministers must not lower 2SG 300
       must be established in all parts of world 6T 100
       urge people to come up to 1T 248
    of truth and holiness, is trailing in dust 4T 528
    on which is inscribed “Commandments of God and faith of Jesus” SD 215
    people for whom God lifts up, against enemy PK 571
    standard after, left to trail in dust 8T 41
    way we now carry, will determine the future 5T 128