EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Spirits of devils able to foretell future events at times GC 552;SR 394;    [78]
    agency of GC 511-7
       inseparably woven with human history GC 511
       strange gods introduced through PP 689
    angels drive back, in behalf of God’s people 1T 544
    are combining with men against God’s commandments GW 149
    belief that men can communicate with, is regarded as fable of Dark Ages GC 556
    cast out by Christ GC 514-6
    Christ recognized direct presence and agency of GC 514
    communication with, God expressly forbids GC 556
    communications from, in favor of Sunday observance GC 591
    communion with, one of abominations of Canaanites was PP 688
       results of PP 688
    control of, fearful condition of persons given up to GC 517
    created sinless in beginning GC 513
    David played harp to charm, away from King Saul PP 650-1
    delusive power of, Scriptures are safeguard against GC 593
    deny Christ’s deity GC 552
    destruction by, after close of probation GC 614
    dominion of, angels contend for souls seeking freedom from DA 258-9
    eight unclean, parable of See Parable