EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Small (little) things Adam’s transgression regarded as, by many people CH 409    [100]
       prepares doer for usefulness in larger responsibilities MM 177
       prepares doer for weightier trusts Ed 58;PK 218;
       success in life depends largely on 4T 591
       unlocks door to many souls MYP 203
    false representation in, is dishonesty CG 154
    generally overlooked, reward awaits persons who do WM 314
    great truths must be brought into COL 359
    happiness of life is made up of 2SM 237
    have important relation to great whole CG 129
    have to do with human welfare CG 129
    importance of, never underrate CG 129;MYP 202;
       often underrated because they are small COL 356
    in nature, lessons taught by 8T 260
    inability to save in, causes poverty CG 135
    influence of, on development of character PP 222
    integrity in, gladdens life’s path PP 574
    life is made up chiefly of MH 490;ML 172;
    life’s: danger in neglecting GW 205
       determine character ML 172
       many people too much absorbed in Ev 215