EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Sin offering, Sin offerings   [71]
       was not taken into holy place in some cases GC 418;PP 354;
    bore sinner’s guilt GC 418
    brought by repentant sinner to door of sanctuary GC 418;PP 354;
    came to end when Christ died DA 757
    ceremonies of, symbolized transfer of sin from the penitent to sanctuary GC 418;PP 354-5, 357;
    could not be presented for person guilty of presumptuous sin PP 580
    did not entirely release repentant sinner from condemnation of law GC 420;PP 356;
    first, offered by Adam at God’s direction SR 50-1
       prefigured Christ’s death SR 50-1
    flesh of, was eaten by priest in some cases GC 418;PP 354;
    lame man healed at pool of Bethesda brought, to temple DA 204
    numerous, offered during annual feasts PP 526
    no human sacrifice acceptable as DA 469
    offered as substitute for sinner GC 420;PP 355;
    offered in Hezekiah’s time PK 333
    presented to God besides tithes by Israel COL 300;3T 394;4T 467;
    repentant sinner with hand on head of, confessed his sins GC 418;PP 354;
    sins confessed by repentant sinner were transferred to, in figure GC 418;PP 354;
    sins of people were placed on, by faith GC 421
    slain by repentant sinner’s own hand GC 418;PP 354;