EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Sickness all, is result of transgression CH 37    [142]
    opportunities given to Christians in, to confess their faith 1SM 117-8
    originating in mind, much 3T 184
    overwork causes MH 236
    parents should know how to prevent MH 385
    persons impoverished by, provision made in Israel for PP 531
    persons who bring upon themselves, impose weary tax on friends 3T 164-5
    physicians should teach people how to prevent 2SM 282
    poor cooking causes 2T 373
    prayers for immunity from, when God will not answer 4aSG 144
    prevention of: attention to laws of health would result in CH 389;MH 146;
       education needed in MM 221-2
       medical institutions should teach people re 1T 553
       patients at medical institution should be instructed in 1T 494, 561
       people should be instructed in 1T 489
       regulation of appetites and passions would result in 6T 224
       right habits of eating, drinking, and dressing would result in WM 127
       sick people should be instructed in 1T 638
    protracted, JW afflicted with 1T 103, 570
    provision made for, in God’s promise of grace MB 99
    reckless habits result in CD 121