EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Shepherd, Shepherds abomination to Egyptians PP 232    [83]
       privations and hardships are lot of 2T 339
       qualifications of 3T 228
       work of GW 190-1
    wise and careful, rough manners disqualify man for making a 2T 220
    work of: great care and tenderness needed in GW 183
       much patience and perseverance needed in GW 183
       Pharisees did not do work of DA 478
    See also Pastor; Undershepherd
    angels calmed before opening eyes; picture in hearts RC 373
    Christ as, cares for us as His sheep HP 25.2
       condemned finally by those they deceived Mar 290.4
       corrupted in lust by TSB 205.1
       slain by followers LDE 248.2
       transgressors will not be shielded by FW 33.3
    feeble sheep are known and helped by TMK 53.2
    following the Lamb as sheep follow, confidently 3SM 424.2
    friendly hand of, needed to lift from crevices 2MCP 772.0
    heavenly, knows where to find lambs TDG 67.4
    light first attracted, at Jesus’ birth TDG 360.3