EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Seventh-day Adventist Church denominational name of 1T 223-4    [61]
    denouncement of, as Babylon does not come from God 2SM 66
    distinctive name of 2SM 384-6;1T 223-4;
       be all that, signifies 2SM 367
       beware of fanaticism bringing reproach upon 2SM 46
       brought into disrepute by fanatics 2T 553-4
       carries true features of SDA faith in front 1T 224
       given by God 2SM 384
       is standing rebuke to Protestant world 1T 223
       like arrow from God’s quiver 1T 224
       name that is not suitable as 1T 224
       never be ashamed of 2SM 384
       proposal to drop use of, in The American Sentinel proposal to drop use of, in The American Sentinel CW 96
       SDA institutions should not hide 2SM 385
       use of, in evangelistic advertising GW 119
    distinguished from other denominations by position and faith 5T 138
    do not call, Babylon 2SM 63-4
    doctrine that, is Babylon is satanic TM 42, 58-9
    erroneous idea that, is Babylon TM 53
    failure of, following emancipation of Negro slaves 9T 205
    falsely denounced as Babylon 2SM 63-4;TM 43;