EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)
are to give special warning now to their generation
DA 634
do not forget that Christ teaches through
5T 300
men will do all in their power to make it hard for
4T 234
mission of, is high honor and sacred trust
DA 357
solicitude of, as they seek for the lost
GW 465
are merely His stewards
8T 185
death of, should be regarded as loss
4T 481
God calls His people, which implies that they are employed by Him
2T 668
guilty when indifferent to wrongs among His people
5T 676
heathen kindness and protection shown to
PK 376-7
lack of self-denial in, displeases Him
1T 370
professed, who have served themselves
CS 128
sacrificing, criticized by covetous believers
1T 194-5
slothful, hoarding of God-given means by
CS 123