EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Secret, Secrets Christ can read, of your life DA 189    [37]
    sin loved and practiced in 5T 536
    tell Christ your heart’s AH 299
    tell God all, of your soul GW 418
    there are, which man cannot penetrate Ed 133
    things that it is unnatural for any to keep as COL 125
    you can confide to God all your soul’s CH 628
    actions in, as in God’s presence 1MCP 239.0
    Ellen White shown, about a certain courtship TSB 212.2
    family, discuss, with Christ not minister even when with wife 2MCP 767
    God knows, OHC 139.4
       which others do not TDG 104.3
    known to God UL 17.5
    less attitude of; show confidence not selfishness 2MCP 436.1
    marriage, revealing HP 205.2
    Satan exercised artful RC 60.5
    Satan’s agents work in; be ready for final crisis 3SM 414.4
    See also Confidentiality