EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

School of Christ absentees from, who have forgotten sound of Teacher’s voice FE 346;CT 410;    [117]
    physicians educated in, who can work in Christ’s lines are needed CH 500
    playing truant from, meekness shows that you have not been SD 82
    real refinement of thought and manners is best obtained by learning lessons in GW 283
    reverence for sacred things is taught effectively only in FE 343
    show others that you have been learning in 5T 568
    sincere learners in, promise for 5T 303
    spiritual success comes only to persons who learn meekness and lowliness in 6T 397
    student(s) in: both old and young among CT 51;FE 544;
       can engage in pursuit of knowledge without becoming dizzy from height to which he climbs 4T 413-4
       clearer views of laws of science and nature are obtained by 4T 413-4
       heeding Teacher’s instructions constantly advance in wisdom, refinement, and nobility of soul CT 51;FE 544;
       many Scripture passages pronounced unimportant or a mystery by learned men are full of comfort and instruction for GC 599
       never graduate CT 51;FE 544;ML 361;
       prepare to enter higher school where advancement continues throughout eternity CT 51;FE 544;
    teacher learning in, hides self in Christ CT 266;FE 278;
       remembers he is dealing with blood-bought heritage FE 278;CT 266;
    teacher learns in, to be patient, humble, generous, and noble CT 266
    teacher should learn daily in CT 211;FE 525;
       in order to uplift youth having lax training at home FE 397
    teacher’s safety lies in learning daily in CT 266;FE 278;