EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

School building, School buildings America needs, in many places 6T 109    [15]
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    Australia needs, in many places 6T 109
    church schools need CG 310
       suitable 6T 203
    erection of, must be extended from city to city GW 435
    Europe needs, in many places 6T 109
    furnishings of, economy required in 6T 208
       simplicity should be preserved in TM 179
    investment of means in TM 324
    large outlay of means in, shun 8T 49
    location of FE 312-3
    repairs of, income from tuition, room, and board should cover 6T 210-1
    should not be crowded close together CT 311;6T 182;
    simple and humble, need of 6T 139
    students should care for CT 312
    students should erect CT 311;6T 182;
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