EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

       pious from childhood; not like Eli’s sons RY 49.3
       traits listed RC 195.4
    coast of, sewn with prayers for being pure, noble and true RC 195.3
    discipline needed by, different; he served God from childhood 2MCP 809.4
    Eli’s affection drawn by RY 49.3
    faithfulness of, talent God used for a special work RC 319.2
    God accepted, because of his pure heart and reverence RC 251.7
    great as God estimates character RC 195.7
    Hannah’s release of, not deferred; taught love for God early RC 195.2
    life consecrated as that of, God values greatly RC 251.8
    pleasure of God in; others may have same experience LHU 339.8
    thoughts of, as a child directed to Creator by surroundings RC 195.2