EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Sabbath school leader, Sabbath school leaders affection and love should be manifested by CSW 152    [18]
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    deeper religious experience needed by CSW 164
    essential qualifications of: good intuition CSW 162
       managing ability CSW 162-3
       tact in dealing with varied minds CSW 162-3
       understanding of different phases of character CSW 162-3
       wisdom and tact CSW 165-6
    irritated and annoyed, need to be born again CSW 65
    long and tedious talks should not be given by CSW 167
    need of changing, from time to time CSW 160-1
    need to: be thorough Bible students CSW 164;FE 121;
       learn to lead youth and children to Christ FE 121
       love and fear God CSW 71
       manifest less smartness CSW 167
       plow deeper CSW 163;FE 121;
       put more thought and work into task FE 121
    persons who do things in mechanical way should not be CSW 162
    Spirit’s aid needed by, in reading character CSW 162-3
    teachers and, should labor for perfect harmony CSW 159
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