EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Reproach against a brother, result of listening to 5T 58    [57]
       follower not dismayed by, from false Christians OHC 359.6
       perfect character did not shield Him from OHC 361.2
    David’s heart broken by TSB 174.4
    defects of some bring, on all loyal and true TSB 83.1
    duty followed in spite of TDG 316.4
    God to be served regardless of RC 379.6
    love for Christ not turned from duty by RC 368.4
    possible wherever you are HP 246.3
    protection of sinning leader from, hurt him TSB 189.3
    reacts on one’s own soul RC 283.2
    Sabbath violation to avoid 3SM 401.4
    subject to, yet prizes God’s approbation OHC 9.4
    suffered by those walking as Jesus walked OHC 361.2
    unwillingness to share, with Christ TDG 155.5
    welcome, for Christ sake UL 376.5
    words of, react on own soul; train the tongue 2MCP 575.4
    See also Reproof; Scolding