EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Rain   [166]
    outpouring of Spirit in apostolic times was AA 54;COL 121;DA 827;Ev 701;GC 611-2;ML 60;5T 214;8T 21;
3. Latter (literal)
    ended before Passover PP 537
    falls in Eastern lands near harvesttime AA 54;TM 506;
    fell near close of season of growing grain TM 506
    grain ripened under, for sickle TM 506
    seed brought to perfection by TM 506
4. Latter (spiritual) TM 469
    Bible promises of GC 611-2
    cannot do its work if early rain has not done its work TM 506
    comes upon all who recognize and appropriate it 7BC 984
    each person must realize his need of TM 507
    effects of, upon man’s inventions 2SM 58-9
    erroneous ideas re EW 71;TM 507;
    God must command, to fall TM 509
    God will give largely of His Spirit in TM 512
    God’s appointed opportunities for giving TM 508
    God’s people must be purified from every defilement to receive Ev 702
    God’s people prepared by: for outpouring of seven last plagues EW 86
       for second advent AA 55;TM 506;