EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Publishing house, Publishing houses 4T 449-62;7T 138-49, 161-74, 182-90;    [250]
       kingdom of itself 8T 233
    should not become mere political or worldly institution CW 96
    should receive its share of profits from books it sells CW 165
    sins fostered and concealed by, God abhors 4T 210
    spiritual interests must be kept alive in 7T 187
    strictly historical books that should not be published by 7T 165
    sustain, with your prayers and means 7T 182-3
    talent needed in 3T 90
    three angels’ messages brought, into existence 2SM 117
    type room of, angels in 1T 591
    typesetting department of, conversation that is out of place in 3T 191
    when, will have means for canceling their debts 8T 89
    when minister may transact business for 1T 472
    JW held, as property of church until 1861 LS 164
    JW was legal proprietor of, until 1861 LS 164;1T 101;
    work in, four things that should characterize MYP 230
    work of: demands choicest and most select persons to engage in it 3T 90
       God’s cause is materially affected by performance of 4T 450
       John the Baptist’s work illustrates 7T 139
       magnitude of, not yet realized 7T 144