EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

People of God   [474]
    suffering of, during seven last plagues GC 629
    tested and proved by want and suffering seen in world 3T 391
    testimony that is to be borne to world by CT 322
    things of world are idols to many believers among 5T 456
    time full of peril for, we live in CT 322
    time of trouble will be fearful ordeal for GC 633
    travel path beset with danger PK 570
    trial of, during time of trouble GC 618-9
    true, testing time will show difference between false-hearted professor and GC 602
    trust in Him and go forward 5T 753-4
    truth is to be ever unfolding to 5T 703
    unfaithful believers among, are no excuse for doubt and unbelief 2T 109-10
    unfaithfulness of, God often uses His bitterest enemies to punish PP 585
    united, will prevail 2T 139
    uniting with world when end comes GC 338-9
    unity of, Christ and angels seek to maintain 1T 332
    upon earth are one body from beginning to end of time 1T 283
    vigilant and concerted action by, need of 5T 714
    vitals of, friendship with world eats out 2T 657
       love of money is eating out 2T 657