EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

People Christ sought, where they were CH 501    [130]
       moved by the Spirit of God to warn others TDG 227.4
       with pure hearts enter heaven TMK 123.3
    connection with, arranged by God in medical missionary work CME 26.2
    contacts with, See Contacts; Associations
    controlled by lust and pride HP 309.2
    dealing with, See Business, transactions of
    decisive question to be brought before all TDG 314.2
    differences in,
       does not justify separation 2MCP 426.4
       from us to be shown grace of brotherhood OHC 237.2
       in circumstances, designed to develop character TMK 335.4
       ways of, result from unholy heart TDG 32.2
       working to help TDG 79
    distinct, know reason for coming out as OHC 332.3
    division of, into two great classes 3SM 391.7
    educated, Christ passed by; they were proud SW 10.2
    energetic, influence of, greatly needed RC 163.2
    excitable, fanaticism a temptation for 3SM 373.2
    from everywhere are stones in God’s temple UL 281.2