EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Ornament, Ornaments abstaining from wearing, is in keeping with SDA faith 3T 366    [37]
    children’s dress looks inviting without 4T 642
    church members should lay off their CS 291
    costly, professed Christians spend much money on MH 207
    erroneous idea re wearing of LS 113-4
    every kind of, abstain from display of 3T 366
    for self-gratification, selfishness leads to expenditure of money for 2T 280
    forbidden: people cherish pride and vanity who cling to 4T 645
       worn to attract attention 4T 645
    gold, bad taste in wearing 3T 367
    home, time wasted in moving and dusting many 2SM 318
    Israel gave, for building sanctuary PP 344
    Israelites stripped of, when worshiping golden calf PP 317, 327;3SG 282;
    Jacob’s family put away, near Shechem PP 205-6;3SG 137;
    little, women’s duty re Ev 480
    money spent for Ev 344;WM 216-7;
       by professed Christian world ML 241;WM 216-7;
    needless: God’s word expressly forbids ML 241
       help charity work by forgoing ML 241;4T 511;
       help sick and poor SDA by forgoing 6T 272
       houses filled with 2SM 317