EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Office worker, Office workers 1T 515-6    [14]
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    air fresh and clean needed by 1T 588
    confined closely to work, dangers for 1T 520
    diet of, should be spare and healthful 1T 588
    disease brought upon themselves by 1T 516
    exercise out of doors needed by 1T 516-7
    health of, caution re 1T 515-7, 590
    healthy nerves and brains needed by 1T 516
    laboring in overheated rooms, warning to 1T 588, 590
    more physical exercise needed by 1T 588
    premature physical breakdown of 1T 519
    time for recreation needed by 1T 519
    trips into field by, value of 1T 516
    wages of 1T 520 See also Wages
    who are in danger of congested brain 1T 588
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