EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Needy person, Needy persons among God’s people, our duty to 6T 269-72    [134]
    neglect of duty to, is neglect of duty to Christ 3T 525
    neglect to impart of our means to, makes us guilty before God COL 261
    niggard who grudges small pittance to 2T 250-1
    persons considerate toward, blessed assurance for 3T 525
    persons feeling too refined to labor for, reproof for 2T 467
    persons grudging smallest pittance to, in distress 2T 284
    persons neglecting, have no assurance of eternal life 3T 524
    persons showing consideration for, Christ’s regard for 3T 512-3
    place, where they can help themselves WM 200
    practical labor for, in view of final judgment 5T 612
    practice self-denial in order to help MYP 314
    prayers of, borne to God by angels DA 143
       how God answers COL 256
    provisions made for, in Israel PK 646-7;4T 467;
    prudence and care needed in helping WM 332
    relief of, people who have means should use them for PP 535
    rich person’s duty to COL 261
    sacrificing for, Christ’s example in 2T 31
    self-denial and self-sacrifice needed to help 6T 263
    selfish neglect to care for, God’s law forbids PP 308