EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Mountain, Mountains antediluvian. animals from, entered Noah’s ark PP 97    [71]
    refuge of the persecuted and oppressed in all ages GC 65-6
    Seth and his descendants dwelt in PP 81
    shaken like reed, by seventh plague EW 34, 285;GC 637;LS 102;1SM 75;
    solitude of, Christ passed entire nights in prayer in SD 136
       what Moses learned in FE 342
    tops of, seen by Noah when Flood subsided PP 105
    towering, God’s hand made CT 185
    Waldenses in secluded glens and rocky fastnesses of GC 64
    wicked will pray for rocks of, to fall on them at second advent GC 642
    will be rent from foundations GC 657
    witness constantly to God’s creative power GC 66
    blessing from, by drawing moisture from clouds OHC 253.4
    blessings placed in, by Creator OHC 253.3
    chance did not cause OHC 251.3
    Christ child went alone to, to commune with God TMK 27.5
    creation of, avoided the monotony of a level surface HP 9.4
    destruction of wicked by flood confirmed by OHC 252.2
    God molded UL 98.2
    God presides over OHC 251.2
    God’s greatness and majesty seen in OHC 253.2