EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Leprosy   [60]
    literature more defiling than 7T 166
    living death DA 566
    Miriam smitten with PP 385;4aSG 21, 27;
    Miriam’s, healed by prayer PP 385
    Moses smitten with PP 254;3SG 192;
    Naaman healed of DA 239;PK 244-53;2T 309-10;
    obnoxious disease ML 170
    parts of body destroyed by, Christ recreated ML 170
    persons suspected of having, priest must examine DA 262;MH 67;
       sought Christ while He lay in tomb DA 776
    practices in speech that should be shunned as Ed 236
    regarded as incurable disease DA 262;MH 67-8;
    rough and scaly surface peculiar to DA 263
    shun debt as you would CS 272;6T 217;
    shun deception as you would 4T 438
    shun infidel writings as you would CT 136
    Simon of Bethany healed of DA 557, 566
    sins cling to human beings like 1SM 107
    symbol of sin DA 262;MH 67;
    taint of, parental impress that is like CG 116