EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Law, Laws   [1230]
    against Sabbath observance, there will be 4BC 1172;7BC 910;EW 282;GC 615-6, 626-7, 635;PK 512;1T 353-4;
    against sale and use of intoxicating liquors should be enacted and rigidly enforced GW 388
    bad, increasing 1T 201
    be peaceably subject to DA 602
    divorce by, does not always mean divorce in God’s sight AH 344
    do not go to, if it can be possibly avoided 1T 201
    earthly government cannot exist without GC 584
    earthly governments will enact, to oppose laws of God’s kingdom 7BC 949
    enforcement of, maltreatment that called for 2T 384
    God still has something to do with 1T 202
    licensing sale of intoxicating beverages GW 386;MH 343-4;Te 203-5;
       church members who favor GW 386
       daring impiety seen in enactment of PK 186
       evils of Te 203-5
       foster evil they profess to restrict MH 342-4
       increase burden of taxation GW 386-7
       legalizes downfall of souls Te 39
       sanctions ruin of souls MH 344-5
       thwart enactment of GW 387-8
       vote against GW 387