EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Korah class who are like PP 403-4;4T 512;    [12]
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    death of, Moses and Aaron accused of causing PP 405
    Levite of Kohath’s family PP 395
       connected with tabernacle service PP 395;4aSG 27-8;3T 344;
    Moses’ cousin PP 395
       occurred after second tables of law were given 3T 354
       recorded as warning to men today PP 403-4;4aSG 36;3T 353;5T 66;TM 56;
    rebellion of, 14,000 Israelites perished as result of PP 407
    priesthood sought by PP 395;4aSG 27-8;3T 344;
    Satan’s rebellion compared to PP 403
    spirit of, in SDA institutions TM 78
    with Moses on mount to behold God’s glory PP 396
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