EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Jew, Jews cannot see their ceremonies are meaningless now 1SM 239    [57]
    conversion of, greater burden needed for Ev 578
    converted: being numbered with Israel of God in last days Ev 578
       laboring now for their own people Ev 578
       many, will be used in God’s work Ev 578-9
       now laboring for Christ in various places Ev 578
       Wolff’s (Joseph) labors as GC 357-62
       See also Lichtenstein, Marcus
    decided advantages possessed by, over other peoples AA 380
    faithful, are true children of Abraham COL 268
    Gentiles and: equal before God 9T 191
       gospel is equally efficacious for AA 380
       linked by Christ in common brotherhood 7T 225;9T 191;
       God expects His people to take particular interest in AA 381
       recognized by Christ as equal before God 7T 225
    God has been calling after, by Spirit AA 380
    goodly remnant of, will be saved AA 376-82
    gospel work for AA 376-82;6BC 1097;Ev 577-9;
       apostles used OT Scriptures in AA 221
       blend OT Scriptures with NT in AA 381;Ev 578;
       few Christian ministers feel called to AA 380