EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    death and burial of PP 237, 239
    dying, blessed hope foreshadowed in benediction pronounced by PK 683
       spoke of Joseph as his best-loved son COL 214-5
    dying words of, pointed to Christ’s first advent DA 34
    Ephraim and Manasseh adopted by, as sons PP 234
    eyes of, dim with age when he adopted Joseph’s sons PP 234
    Joseph cared for, in his old age PP 233;5T 124-5;
    Joseph presented, to Pharaoh PP 233;3SG 169-70;
    last years of: brought evening of tranquillity and repose PP 237
       his happiest PP 233
       his most peaceful PP 233;3SG 170;
    light found by, in eventide of life Ed 147;PP 237;
       land of Goshen PP 233;3SG 169;
6. Characteristics of
    affectionate father 3SG 172
    character of, transformed Ed 147
    content with spiritual blessings of birthright PP 207
    faith of Abraham appeared undimmed in PP 208
    importunate in prayer 5T 164