EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Husband, Husbands 1T 707-12    [395]
       lost by animal passion; love lost TSB 112.1
    rights of; wife not to neglect home responsibilities TSB 43.1
    social activity with woman in absence of, defended TSB 148
    stern nature of, softened by influence of wife TSB 112.4
    truth to be made desirable to; but do not spoil it 2MCP 435.3
       life as witness to; be patient TSB 51.1
       mother to set example instead of pleading with TSB 45.2
       work neglected for UL 147.3
    watched jealously UL 93.2
       may properly lean upon, with deference HP 207.2
       pines for love and attention due from HP 206.3
       to be supported by, with counsel and encouragement 1MCP 155.2
    woman counseled to look away from, to Jesus; stop worry 2MCP 807.3